Together for the Illawarra
Together for the Illawarra is a collaboration of Christians in the Illawarra. It is inspired by and through a relationship built among churches and Christian leaders through many years and also Illawarra Prayer Breakfast. Together for the Illawarra is a consultation & collaborative process exploring areas of common interest, focusing on Community Engagement, Evangelism & Prayer.

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Our Values
Together for the Illawarra Values – Click image to download
Our Journey So Far
Last update: 13 December 2019

24th of May – Illawarra Prayer Breakfast (Shellharbour Civic Centre)
At the Illawarra Prayer Breakfast, we called church leaders and pastors to embark on a consultative & collaborative approach with these 3 questions.
Does the community you live, work & worship in belong to God?
Is it important for the Local Church to accept responsibility for the stubborn facts that affect human flourishing in our community?
Do you want to connect with other local churches & Christian leaders to develop gospel-inspired solutions to local issues.
1st of August – First Consultation Workshop (Lighthouse Church)
62 church leaders & pastors came together to hear from one another, discuss and workshop on what we can do together for the Illawarra in 3 areas: Community Engagement, Evangelism & Prayer. At the end of the workshop, three task forces are formed to discover, explore and propose what we can do together.
Click to see recording of the presentations on the 1st of August.
End of October – Interim Progress Reports (via Email)
At the end of October, each task force produces interim progress reports that were distributed to the people who attended the workshop on the 1st for feedback.
If you would like to read the Interim Progress Reports, contact us on
9th of December – Second Consultation Workshop (Shellharbour Community Church)
On the 9th of December, each task force presented their observations & findings as part of their discovery phase. Church pastors & leaders provided feedback on the activities & observations presented.
To find out more on what each task force is up-to and what’s next, please visit their respective pages find on the links below.